These memories of planting in Hopi fields and the event at the Hopi Civic Center which our students will never forget!

The Lord Is So Faithful To Give Us These Opportunities To Serve In Hopiland
This Discipleship Training School has been very special. It is not to say that there are no relationship problems and that we don’t get weary sometimes. But they are learners and there is sweetness to them all. The other morning, I opened my eyes to see all most all the students prostrating or kneeling on the floor quietly before God during our morning worship time. The presence of our Father was so thick in this place! I realized that God had indeed blessed us to disciple all who are desiring to go to the ends of the earth to bring His Gospel in indigenous, sensitive ways.
Nita continues to honor our Father in Hopiland. As we’ve already mentioned, she was the key-note speaker at the Sexual Abuse Awareness event at the Hopi Civic center. Our DTS students have served tirelessly by catering (making a couple of submarine sandwiches with tooth-pick heart scripture messages on each sandwich, chopping all the vegetables and fruits etc.) and serving our Hopi friends.
And yet, we were discouraged to hear of our Hopi Christian brother who is now back in jail and another who has been calling us in a drunken state. It is not easy for our Hopi brothers to live in Hopiland. We really need more prayers.
We hope you have a wonderful day!
Millie & Will